
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Everything Pregnant

How can I tell?

Do a pregnancy test!

It's cheap, widely available and mostly reliable. Sometimes you might get a false negative if you tested too early. Just do it again after a few days if your period hasn't arrived.

I have four children and if you ask me when can you truly feel the first sign of pregnancy, I'd say it's implantation. Out of the four times that I fell pregnant, within 3-7 days, I felt unusually exhausted. To the point that I wanted to stay in bed all day to recover. For the first two times, I was oblivious to this as I lacked the knowledge and never really thought much about it. For my subsequent pregnancies, I'd done a lot more research regarding implantation and was more aware of my own body. Other than that, the rest of the early pregnancy symptoms didn't really surface until I was at least 6 six weeks pregnant.  During this time, you might feel like your period is coming at any time. Early pregnancy signs are very similar to PMS. Bear in mind that every woman is different and every pregnancy is different.

If your period is 1-2 weeks late, a home pregnancy test would be quite reliable and you could feel none or all of the following symptoms:

  • missed period
  • tiredness
  • tender, sensitive and swollen breasts
  • darkening of areola (area around your nipple)
  • food cravings
  • frequent urination
  • morning sickness (it really means feeling nausea round the clock)
  • sensitive to smell
  • mood swing
  • vivid dreams 

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